The refugee screening system will be changed.


The refugee screening system will be changed. Please note that the refugee applicant may not be updated.

The Ministry of Justice decided to modify the screening procedure for refugees to solve the problem that the increasing of refugees aiming to get a working visa is preventing the screening of refugees who have escaped from persecution in emergency conditions.

The modification plan has three key points.

  1. The period which until now has taken 2 and half years on average will now be as short as six months in the shortest case.
  1. A preliminary review has been introduced. Even though until now all applications have been accepted, refugees aiming for working status will now be rejected at the preliminary review.
  1. Repeat applications will not be given working permission.

Changing status from refugee to another status without the working permission will not be acceptable. So the status holder should change their status immediately before losing permission to work.

From JIJI PRESS 8/16/2016

Can I change “refugee visa” to status of “business manager”?

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