A visa by a Business Plan in Tokyo

We have started the package service for “Tokyo Program”, the correct name of which is “Program to increase foreign entrepreneurs” Tokyo city issues the recommendation to the immigration bureau by checking your business plan and based on the possibility if of you clearing the conditions for a business manager visa after 6 months. If it Read More …

Forms of companies

When you start a company in Japan, you need to decide the form of your company.We have three major company forms in this case, Kabushiki-kaisha , godo-kaisha and gaikoku-kaisha.( Kaisha is pronounced as gaisha.) I shall explain the character of each form here. Kabushiki-kaisha / Stock Companies Kabushiki-kaisha is often abbreviated as KK, Investors hold Read More …

Lawyer system in Japan

We, the Gyouseishoshi-lawyers who handle visa procedures, call ourselves immigration lawyers. We are always called Bengo-shi by foreigners. The word “lawyer” is translated to Bengo-shi in Japanese. But our gyouseishoshi-lawyer’s license is different from bengo-shi’s one. Bengo-shi can handle every legal matter. Probably, there are few cases you can ask to a Bengo-shi. Because the Read More …